Karl Vonmetz
Road Maintainance Depot in Gföhl
Karl Vonmetz won the invited entry competition with a design for a sculpture at the entrance gate. However following discussions with representatives of the road maintenance depot he designed and completed a gate of chrome-plated steel for the industrial buildings of the depot.
Actually I won the competition with a sculptured model 'gatekeeper' for the gateway. Following discussions about alterations I finally developed and completed a gate for the industrial building of the road maintainance depot in Gföhl. When shut the gate shows a light snowplough-like wedge facing forewards. Due to their right-angled sculptural form, the open gates illustrate a real space which is in deliberate contrast to the existing architecture. The axes are arranged axially and radially. The frame is mounted, welded with screwed on steel plates.
(Karl Vonmetz)