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Wolfgang Schrom :
District Office of Bruck/Leitha

Bruck a.d. Leitha, 1998


Wolfgang Schrom has set up in a mis-en-scene the history of the ancient Roman settlement period in the administrative district of Bruck/Leitha. Findings from archaeological exvacations have been placed in showcases inside or outside in front of the building.

Findings from archaeological exvacations, spatial building elements and objects for mythological or domestic use have been placed in showcases inside of the building or outside in front of the building. These findings reflect the history of the ancient Roman settlement period in the administrative district of Bruck/Leitha. Here Wolfgang Schrom has brought them together in a new mis-en-scène. In this sence he has designed showcases for objects and created a dramaturgy for the elements outdoors.
(Katharina Blaas-Pratscher)