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Gernot Wieland :

Jetzt, Gernot Wieland, Korneuburg, 2005
Korneuburg, 2004 – 2005


JETZT (NOW) – a temporary installation by Gernot Wieland for the Kulturstätte am Hafen, Korneuburg (in cooperation with IMMOfonds Korneuburg and the Korneuburg council)

In his project on the docks in Korneuburg, Gernot Wieland sowed marigold seeds that, when sprouted and in bloom, form the letters JETZT (now). For one brief summer the marigolds shone in line with the artist's intended form, then they were left to their own vegetative cycle. Wieland's project relates here to very different contexts although in intention and stringency of realisation it is close to his earlier artwork. It operates initially with a contradiction to the extent that what is maintained is not what is shown, indicating a weak point in the structure of communication. In the artwork the word 'now' may still be expressed for a long period of time, but our knowledge of what the lettering consists of and the course of its changes, however, ultimately makes it a signal for transience. The artwork is sewn, it grows, spreads – and finally slowly destroys itself. Although in the interpretation it remains up to the viewers whether they primarily perceive the latent auto-aggressive moment or the anarchic gesture, the paradox of generating illegibility with a text. With JETZT there is a location where the control over what flowers fails, and things – even if prepared – take their course.
(Patricia Grzonka)

Images (1)

Jetzt, Gernot Wieland, Korneuburg, 2005