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Brigitte Löcker :
Fountain and Waiting Box

Mittergrabern, 2000


Fountain and Waiting Box on the Square in Mittergrabern are complex objects made out of stainless steel, exposed concrete or colored and white glass surface linked by the element water.


Both of the objects - fountain and waiting box - are sculptural objects, but also create an architectural unity. Together, they form a sculptural identity that extends beyond the functional character of each object. Frame and analogous surfaces create two spatial angles that are shifted and rotated as frame and ceiling or as frame and floor. The materials used are stainless steel, exposed concrete or colored and white glass surface. Fountain and waiting house also represent part of the box. They give the front area of the square a denser quality, asserting themselves as a duet. The element linking them is water. As dual objects they relate environment/nature to social phenomena such as waiting, walking, meeting. In this way the social and participatory dimension of perception becomes evident in the reflecting glass surfaces. The two stainless steel frames that are filled with colored glass - green and blue - form a diagonal on the square. The frames serve as supports for the roof but are also color and light elements.
(Brigitte Löcker)