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Anna Jermolajewa

Born 1970 in St. Petersburg (RU), lives in Vienna since 1989. She studied art history at the University of Vienna and at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. 2006 to 2011 Professor of Media Art at the Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Since October 2018 she is Professor of Experimental Design at the Kunstuniversität Linz. In 2020 she received the Austrian Art Award for Visual Arts. With subtle humour, the artist analyses everyday, supposedly stable dimensions of our reality in her videos, photographs and installations and exposes their fragility and power structures.

First Round

A temporary exhibition in the public space of Etsdorf-Haitzendorf

Patrick Baumüller, Severin Hofmann, A&B, Katrina Daschner, Julius Deutschbauer, Sonja Gangl, Anna Jermolajewa, Engelbert Theuretzbacher

Etsdorf-Haitzendorf, Jul 2000 – Oct 2000

First Round