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Gisela Stiegler

Born 1970 in Schärding, Austria, Gisela Stiegler lives and works in Vienna. She studied at the Universität für angewandte Kunst (University of Applied Arts) in Vienna, the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, and the Akademie der bildenden Künste (Academy of Fine Arts) in Vienna. In 2005, she founded the grauzone exhibition project. Her works have recently been shown in the exhibition “Multiple Times” at the Campoi Gallery, Munich (2014). They were also presented by the Marion Friedmann Gallery (London) at the IBDF Abierto México Diséno (International Design Fair) in Mexico City (2013) and at the Designjunction in London (2014). She also participated in the exhibition Parallel Vienna at the Kunstraum am Schauplatz (2013).