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Art in architecture: Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg

Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Korneuburg, 2024
© Simon Veres
Liese-Prokop-Straße 4, 2100 Korneuburg



Maruša Sagadin, Das Blühen spüren, Wall Murals (in cooperation with Julia Hohenwarter) and Prayer wheels

For the Art in Architecture project in the new Korneuburg Care and Care Centre, Maruša Sagadin's design was recommended for implementation by the KOERNOE committee in the course of an invited competition. The task was to give the eight living and recreation areas of the care centre a recognisable identity and to create orientation through artistic design. In her installation, the artist playfully negotiates questions about what our memories say about us, how the past can be made present in order to resist forgetting, or what offers us support when temporal and spatial orientation is increasingly lost.