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Sabina Hörtner :
Primary School Frauenhofen

Frauenhofen, 1995
Frauenhofen 71, 3580 Frauenhofen


Sabina Hörtner generates a distance to the architecture with a change in dimensions. A dominant entrance design between two unadorned facades contrasts them with a geometric play of lines and creates a new corner situation.

The two respective simple facades, which stand at right-angles to each other, are interrupted at the point where they intersect by a dominant architectural element, a draft lobby. It was my task to find a solution which did not correspond to this draft lobby and furthermore neutralised it. It seemed to me that it would be interesting to create new corner situations here and so I used an architectural and geometrical solution as a contrast to those areas of the existing architecture that could be seen into from a great distance. On the basis of the sectional nature and continuity of the motif, this solution produced a change of dimension, creating a distance to the architecture (the association of a big, white wall, visible from a distance, in a slightly raised position – projection surface). The colour scheme does not correspond to any aesthetic principle, but rather derives, as in my other works, from the choice of the most usual colours and corresponds here to the blue, green and red colours of the Edding marker pens.