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Uli Aigner :
ich komme

Drosendorf, 2003
Hauptplatz 36, 2095 Drosendorf Stadt


The stainless steel walk-in object with the title 'ich komme' (I'm Coming) was completed as part of the 'Grosser Sommer an der Thaya. 4 KünstlerInnenprojekte in Drosendorf' festival. Mirrors have been set into both the floor and the ceiling of the construction, reflecting one another's reflections ad infinitum.

The stainless steel Spiegel-Brunnen-Fitness-Gerät (Mirror-Fountain-Exercise-Machine) with the title ich komme (I'm Coming) was completed as part of the 'Grosser Sommer an der Thaya. 4 KünstlerInnenprojekte in Drosendorf' project (Big Summer on the Thaya. 4 Artists' projects in Drosendorf). It is situated in the middle of a tree-lined alley on Hauptplatz and incorporates a movable reflective surface in the lower mount that is repeated in the roofing construction. One mounts it like a piece of fitness equipment, gripping either the black-marked handles on the carrying bars, in order to move on the reflective surface, or raises one's arms in order to reach the upper handle. Depending on a person’s size, the cylinder in which the upper mirror is located can be moved. The lower mirror is inclined by shifting the weight from one leg to the other, the upper mirror by pulling and applying pressure with the arm. In addition, there is an infinite reflection of the body and through the changing distance and inclination of the mirror a curvature of the reflection arises. Like a curved fountain the body is reflected as the sculptural element of an endless pillar running both upwards and downwards.
(Susanne Neuburger)