Günter Wolfsberger
Cascading Fountain
St. Pölten, 2003
Vor Haus 17A, Regierungsviertel, Neue Herrengasse, 3100 St. Pölten
The project is located
behind the Shedhalle of the NÖ Landesmuseum
Water as a metaphor for life: at the beginning is the Paradise fountain, which cleanses at its source; at the end of our existence a river marks the boundary to the beyond. Water– freed from the constrictions of the pipe – flows along the path of least resistance, two overlapping cascades disperse it. Held between the two transparent louver constructions it collects in the square basin to begin the cycle once again. Blue light permanently accentuates each of the two cascades – blue as the colour of water even during the months when the fountain has to be drained.
(Günter Wolfsberger)