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Nikolaus Gansterer :
Lower Austrian Insurance Offices in St. Pölten

St. Pölten, 2007
NÖ Versicherung, Regierungsviertel, Neue Herrengasse 10, 3100 St. Pölten


The installation Die Wechselschattenspeicher (The Changing Shadow Storage) translates drawing into three-dimensions. A drawing milled into the wall inside the forum can only be appreciated as a whole when the viewer changes position several times.

Nikolaus Gansterer's approach as an artist addresses the language of drawing and its translatability in terms of three-dimensional space. The interplay of basic graphical structures with the environment is explored to allow the two-dimensional forms to break out into the third dimension. In his installation Der Wechselschattenspeicher Gansterer addresses the ephemeral quality of drawing, which usually has an uncoloured, eye-catching, formal appearance and that always requires close viewing to enable a more precise reading. The installation condenses around this phenomenon, consisting of a drawing in relief in the NÖ Forum. A holistic appreciation of the drawing depends on the angle of the light and shadows cast, and is only possible when viewers alter their viewing angle successively. Gansterer inscribes a relief of intangible informative moments into his work to create a perceptive horizon that changes with the fall of light in the space. The shadow-light-space becomes an echo chamber that makes it necessary for viewers to store their memories and then translate these into an individual reading of the work.
(Walter Seidl)

Gerda Lampalzer won the competition, however the NÖ Versicherung decided on the realisation of the running-up project.