Der Semmering als Bühne der Gegenwart (Semmering as a Stage For The Present)
Art parcour in the public space of Semmering as part of Café Dezentral.
Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Mark Chehodaiev, Ines Doujak, Olha Horiunova, Toni Schmale

Art parcour in the public space of Semmering as part of Café Dezentral.
Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Mark Chehodaiev, Ines Doujak, Olha Horiunova, Toni Schmale
Exhibition project in the public space of Semmering
Milica Tomić, Olga Chernysheva, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Inge Vavra, Zhanna Kadyrova, Laure Prouvost, Hannes Zebedin, Mikhail Tolmachev, Titre Provisoire, Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Elvedin Klačar, Anna Daučíková, Taus Makhacheva
Of the two art parcours curated by Hedwig Saxenhuber, which took place in June 2023 and summer 2021, individual works can still be seen and are worth a visit!
Mikhail Tolmachev, Hannes Zebedin, Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Olha Horiunova, Toni Schmale