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Jakob Lena Knebl :
Lebe den Tag

Baden, 2014
Wimmergasse 19, 2500 Baden


Lebe den Tag (Live the Day) is an interactive sculpture by Jakob Lena Knebl that allows us to reflect on the theme of mortality. The installation consisting of two highly polished steel columns allows passers-by to look at their own reflections. Wrapped around the larger column is a circular bench on which we can read the inscription "Lebe den Tag" (Live the Day). Selected photo works by Jakob Lena Knebl featuring the artist in the style of René Magritte have been printed as distortions on the canopy ceiling. Jakob Lena Knebl applies the technique of anamorphic distortion with these images. "Anamorphosis" refers to an image that can only be seen from a certain vantage point, or with the help of a special mirror or system of prisms. The most well-known example is the famous painting "The Ambassadors by" Hans Holbein the Younger, which underlines the theme of mortality with its key motif of the skull.

The invitation to "live the day" means to venture outside cultural and societal norms. It encourages us to rethink our established points of view and to leave old role models behind by changing our perspective and orientation. Jakob Lena Knebl’s artistic works revolve around the both humorous and critical deconstruction and subversion of norms – either by blurring gender roles, through the artist’s switching between a male and female identity or by undermining beauty ideals, ideologies, prejudices and forms of marginalization. With this interactive sculpture, Jakob Lena Knebl has created a place for resting a moment that encourages us to remember that we are mortal and that we should "live the day".
(Christiane Krejs)