Installation in Weikendorf
Hans Schabus

Installation in Weikendorf
Hans Schabus
Installation im Kunstraum Weikendorf
Georgia Creimer
A temporary art project in the urban space of Ternitz
Johanna Reiner, Johannes Hoffmann, Stefan Flunger, Johanna Tinzl, Bik Van der Pol, Heimo Lattner
Exhibition series "Alltagskultur und Gegenwartskunst"
Lois Weinberger
Installation at Kunstraum Weikendorf
Valentin Ruhry
Temporary exhibition around the Klosterneuburg Monastery
Nicole Wermers, Manuel Gorkiewicz, Christoph Meier, Nilbar Güreş, Mladen Bizumic, Eva Chytilek, Maruša Sagadin, Chris Fladung, Julia Williams, Clemens Wolf, Steinbrener/Dempf
Exhibition in cooperation with Kunstraum Niederoesterreich
Schorsch Böhme, Marvin Gaye Chetwynd, Esther Strauß, Hubert Ebenberger, Gelitin, Gruppe UNO Wien, Sabine Jelinek, Johanna Kirsch, Stephanie Mold, Georg Klüver-Pfandtner, Kris Lemsalu, Karin Mayr, Martin Sturm, Matthias Mollner, Michail Michailov, Lois Weinberger
Installation in Spitz
Anita Leisz
Fountain design in Türnitz
Anna Wickenhauser
Temporary installations in the border village of Fratres
Katrin Hornek, Agnieszka Kalinowska, Lukáš Houdek, Franz Kapfer, Abbé J. Libansky, Zbigniew Libera, Heidi Schatzl, Johanna Tinzl, Stefan Flunger
Roundabout design in Leobendorf
Priscilla Monge
Sculpture in Baden
Jakob Lena Knebl
Sculpture in Willendorf
Anna Artaker
Installation at Michelberg
Stefan Klampfer
Stage Design in Königsbrunn
Martin Feiersinger, Werner
Sculpture in St.Lorenz
Installation at the former fynagogue of St. Pölten
Simon Wachsmuth
Installation at Kunstraum Weikendorf
Peter Sandbichler
A temporary exhibition regarding W. H. Auden in Kirchstetten
Brandon LaBelle, Annette Stahmer, Ultra-red, Marcel Broodthaers, Jonathan Quinn, Fatih Aydoǧdu, Olga Karlíková, Simone Forti, Imogen Stidworthy, Sharon Hayes, Pamelia Kurstin
Exhibition project in Kirchstetten
Ricarda Denzer
Intervention at the Schallaburg
For the Stadttheater St. Pölten
Ursula Hübner
Installation On the Escalator At the Schwechat Airport
Fritz Grohs
Square Design
Karl-Heinz Klopf
Fountain Complex At the School
Gerald Jaksch
Mural On the Facade of the Old People’s Home
Carla Kamenik