Bike tour, curator's tour and presentation of works: SUPER NATUR, Iron Curtain Trail
Bike tour from Jederspeigen to Hohenau an der March (13 km) to the art works of Christina Gruber and Ilona Németh and followed by a presentation of the completed project Postindustrial Creatures by Katrin Hornek.
Guided Excursion: Semmering
We invite you to a hike of several hours through the spa town with a guided tour by Hedwig Saxenhuber to the artworks of the group projects Land, Possession and Commons (Summer 2021) and The Semmering as a Stage of the Present (June 2023), which she curated.
Summer retreat: Walk along the Semmering to the footsteps of two art trails
Two curated group projects from 2021 and 2023 have left their artistic mark on the Semmering and invite you to a discovery tour!
Release: KOERNOE Volume 14
We are happy to present 348 pages full with art projects and outreach programs realized in the years 2020 to 2022 in the public realm of Lower Austria.
Accompanying Programme: Discovery tour through Weikendorf
With her horticultural knowledge and literary esprit, Elisabeth Falkinger leads an exploration tour through Weikendorf.
Art Parcours: The Semmering as a Stage of the Present - Café Dezentral
On the first weekend in June, Semmering is all about art, music, literature, film, culinary delights and nature experiences!
As part of the SUPER NATUR art trail along the Iron Curtain Trail, which started last September, KOERNOE invites this year to an OPEN PERFORMANCE CALL in relation to the installation Grandstand 8 by Ilona Németh.
Anniversary: 10 years of the Weikendorf jury
The jury of Kunstraum Weikendorf was founded in 2013 and has since contributed a lot to the multifaceted program of Kunstraum Weikendorf!
Opening: Elisabeth Falkinger, Keim Exploration Weikendorf
Intervention at Kunstraum Weikendorf
Volume 13
The 13th volume of the documentation series of Art in Public Space Lower Austria with the projects that were created in the years 2017-2019 is here!